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Change the World

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「人是不停改變的活水」 — 漫談找工作

【作者簡介】黃奕雯,時代基金會第一代的好人。因當時男友現今為先生(第一屆 intern)關係進入好人網,曾協助一次研討會的籌劃及執行。哈佛大學物理化學博士,哈佛及 MIT 博士後研究員,曾任職於 Lo...

05 Sep, 2022


Hello, Hallo, Hej Hej, Shalom, Marhaban, Bonjour! 過去幾年,我輾轉在幾個國家進修與工作,親身感受了以色列的地中海沙灘與沙漠、瑞典的雪地與極光、荷蘭的自...

11 Aug, 2022



14 Jul, 2022
"Epoch Family" was founded in 2007, which comprises the alumni from "Young Entrepreneurs of the Future" and "International Professionals Program." We have more than 3,000 alumni with innovation and entrepreneurship striving to make an impact in the world.